Creative Self Care With Crystal McLain

Tired of feeling like sh*t?

September 17, 2024 Crystal McLain Season 4 Episode 8

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Speaker 0:

Oh my god, are you tired of feeling like shit? Great, then, you've come to the right place. My name is Crystal McLean, and together we're going to practice something I call creative self-care, so you can stop feeling like shit and start feeling healthy, empowered and maybe even fulfilled. So let's talk about what creative self-care is. Self-care is what you do to support or improve your overall health and well-being. What makes it creative is when you get that clever brain of yours involved. By utilizing and strengthening your natural born abilities like curiosity, critical thinking and problem solving, you're going to be able to make choices that align with your personality. To be able to make choices that align with your personality, your lifestyle and your actual needs, which, sadly, so many of us fail to do, but for really good reasons.

Speaker 0:

We are so tapped out from all the bullshit in this world that we end up running on autopilot, getting stuck in habits and belief systems that do not serve us. A lot of us have experienced trauma, live with chronic stress or chronic pain, or we've never learned any healthy coping tools. This is detrimental to our health and well-being and it leaves us feeling frustrated, incompetent, overwhelmed, numb, dissatisfied or, you know, like shit. And when we're feeling like shit. We have a tendency to think about our problems instead of thinking through them. You know what I'm talking about the airing of the grievances. It's a lot easier to complain about shit than it is to actually do something about it, and the reason why it's easier to complain and harder to do something about the things that are being a problem in our life is because your brain either doesn't know how or doesn't feel safe or strong enough to. Here's the thing you are living in an ever-changing body, in an ever-evolving world that's always going to present you with new challenges. Stress is a fact of life, and we cannot keep avoiding it or numbing ourselves from it, because doing so will make it grow larger and scarier than it really is, and it will consume every corner of our lives. And you deserve better than that. Creative self-care can help you reset your nervous system so you can train your brain to look at yourself and your circumstances with a fresh perspective, to break free from self-limiting patterns and to establish new thoughts and habits that actually support you as a whole person. And you do this by understanding who you are and how you function on personal and scientific levels. You do this by learning how to ask yourself the right questions so you can get to the root of what it is you truly want and need, and you do this by exploring and practicing effective self-care that will actually nourish and empower your whole damn self. So this is what we're going to do.

Speaker 0:

I believe the more we understand something, the better able we are at taking care of it, which means if you understand more about yourself, you're going to be able to take better care of it. So the plan is to improve your body literacy and deepen your self-awareness. Body literacy is knowing how the nervous system interacts with the other systems of the body and reacts to things like thoughts, emotions and your internal and external environments. It's understanding how you form beliefs and habits and a sense of well-being. It allows you to recognize and understand the subtle cues that your body is always giving you about your health and wellness. When you improve your body literacy, you're able to make educated choices based on facts and science and we sure do love our facts and science around here. Now, self-awareness is your ability to perceive and understand the things that make you who you are as an individual, including your personality, your habits, your values, your beliefs, relationships, passions, interests and the things that make you feel safe and secure. Understanding and accepting yourself as a whole person will be the key to making your self-care feel authentic, satisfying and sustainable, and when you understand and accept who you are, you're more likely to trust your gut and make intuitive choices, which is a goddamn superpower.

Speaker 0:

Once you've gotten a good idea of who you are and how you function, it'll be time to learn some basic self-care practices that you can start getting creative with. Throughout this course, we're going to challenge your definitions of self-care and self-worth and rewrite them with authority and authenticity. We're going to learn about that incredible body that you live in, so you'll know how to care for it in practical and effective ways. We are going to build confidence while developing your sense of self, so you can trust your body, your choices and your intuition. We're going to explore wellness and empowerment practices that are safe, effective, accessible and sustainable, and you're going to be valued and accepted and supported just as you are, you magnificent beast. So take the rest of today to start thinking about what all of this really means to you, and be sure to do the activity that's listed below the video, and I will see you back here for our first official lesson. I love you, I appreciate you and I'm so fucking proud of you for being here. All right, I'll see you soon.